
Showing posts from January, 2016

Who are YOU?

Sassy is defined by Google as  lively, bold, and full of spirit.  Those are attributes I want us to have in common. Through this blog, I hope to help you find YOUR sassy flow.  Image from Google I'm sure you noticed that "flow" isn't spelled correctly in my blog title, so this is a good time to introduce myself... My name is Francelin Lopez. (See it?) I was inspired by my fellow Latina and Bronx native, Jennifer Lopez (JLo), to use FLo as an alias. However, I don't prono unce it ef-lō... I pronounce it "flow". (Yes, like the Progressive girl.) Why "flow" and not  ef-lō ? Because it pairs well with the one word my husband chooses to describe me by... Sassy! Apparently my sassiness just "flows". ;) (Moving on...)  I am 35 years young and a mother, wife, and dog owner.  I decided to write  Your Sassy Flo  because I believe that your uniqueness should be portrayed in as many ways as possible, in particular ...